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Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
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Administrator of the New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Program
Forthright Logo
Administrator of the New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Program

Forthright continues to add enhancements to its Case Management Portal that will provide convenience and additional efficiencies to the New Jersey PIP practitioner community. For more information, click Enhancements.


Forthright is always interested in what the PIP community thinks of the NJ No-Fault PIP Arbitration program. Accordingly, Forthright is introducing a new method for parties to provide feedback on DRP hearings and awards, effectively bifurcating the process. Beginning August 31, 2023, parties will be provided with two opportunities to give feedback. First, parties will be able to evaluate the hearing process immediately after the hearing is closed through the time the award is processed. And again, for a period of 30 days after the award is processed, parties will be able to evaluate the award. (Parties will remain able to submit evaluations under the prior method for a period of 30 days for Awards rendered prior to August 31.) Forthright encourages party engagement with the new evaluation process so we can continue to provide the high quality arbitration program the New Jersey PIP community has come to expect.


New Jersey No-Fault PIP Arbitration Rules have been amended with the approval of the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance and endorsement of the NJ No-Fault Advisory Council to require in-person PIP arbitration hearings to be conducted through the Forthright videoconferences system and to eliminate regions. The amended rules will be effective August 1, 2022. The amendments do not affect how any party attends a videoconference hearing or files a Request for Arbitration. They codify the process for appearances which was introduced in response to the COVID pandemic and allow the assignment of DRPs for cases throughout the state. For more information, please click here for the updated FAQs for Forthright’s Videoconference Program, and here for FAQs for the Rule Amendments.

NEW MRO FEE (effective May 1, 2022)

Due to an increase in fees charged by the Medical Review Organizations selected by the Department of Banking and Insurance, the required fee to be submitted with a request for MRO report will be $1,300.00. Please note this change when requesting an MRO report on or after May 1, 2022.


Forthright is proud to announce three new enhancements to its Case Management Portal that will provide convenience and additional efficiencies to the New Jersey PIP practitioner community.

Information on Consolidated Matters

Previously, any practitioner viewing their case on the Forthright Case Management Portal could see the case numbers of all matters that are consolidated with their case. Now the consolidated case numbers will be active links; clicking on the link reveals additional data, including scheduling history and the contact information for all other representatives involved in the consolidated matter. Practioners can now identify the attorneys or representatives who have cases consolidated with their matter.

Automatic Receipts

When a practitioner pays for a request on the portal, such as a Request for OTP to IP, MRO, Addition of Respondent, Dismissal, Abeyance, or Appeal, an email receipt will now be sent automatically.

Zoom Call-In Information

Two weeks before any scheduled in-person hearing, a Zoom meeting hyperlink appears in the upper left-hand side of the page. This link automatically connects you to the Zoom meeting for that in-person hearing. You will also have received a Zoom notification email. Now, the information on the Case Management Portal will also include the Zoom call-in information for those practitioners who prefer to dial into the hearing by telephone. The accessibility of this information saves time from having to locate the Zoom email sent two weeks before the scheduled hearing.


The global tragedy of the COVID-19 virus has left a devastating and permanent impression.  As vaccines are introduced and distributed we hope that the end of this crisis is near. But until that time, nothing is more important to Forthright than the well-being of our employees, DRPs, parties and others who use our No-Fault PIP arbitration program.

From the beginning of this crisis, Forthright responded quickly to protect the health and safety of staff, DRPs and users while not hindering the prompt and fair resolution of New Jersey’s PIP disputes. Prior to the Governor’s shutdown order in March of 2020, Forthright had already migrated its entire staff to remote working and instituted telephonic “in-person” hearings. By the summer, Forthright developed, tested and implemented a virtual hearing program whereby every in-person hearing can be conducted remotely by secure videoconference.  As of the end of the 2020, over 4,500 hearings were conducted using this videoconference capability without any changes to our user or DRP scheduling procedures.  All these actions were taken without delaying any Forthright hearings.

In 2021, Forthright will further enhance the administration of this program so that any user can continue to have their dispute heard promptly, efficiently, fairly and safely.


Please click here for additional information about Forthright's Videoconference Pilot Program for in-person hearings.


Forthright is proud to introduce a pilot program allowing users of the NJ No-Fault arbitration program the ability to appear for In-Person (IP) hearings via Zoom meetings. Currently, all IP hearings are being conducted telephonically in compliance with social distancing guidelines and orders propounded by state and local governments. The Videoconference Pilot Program expands the options for party representatives (and any witnesses) to appear before a Dispute Resolution Professional (DRP) for IP hearings. FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION click here.

For specific responses to questions about the Videoconference Pilot Program, please see the Appearance by Video Pilot Program FAQ link.

Have Questions or Need Help? Contact Us
Important Information and Documents
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.
Forthright, a global provider of process design, automation, and management solutions, has been selected by the State of New Jersey to administer No-Fault Insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) arbitrations under the State’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act.
SOC Compliant Logo
Forthright is a SOC II Type II Compliant Organization
New Jersey PIP arbitration program is entirely self-funded through user fees and places no burden on New Jersey taxpayers.