Forthright’s commitment to provide prompt, fair, and efficient dispute resolution is accompanied by our equal commitment to create an inclusive and diverse organization that affords employees and panelists the opportunity and support to succeed. We recruit the most qualified dispute resolution professionals inclusive of varied race, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual orientation. By appreciating that each individual is unique, and that from those differences come diverse strengths, Forthright combines those strengths to build and enhance a superior process and culture.
Moreover, the lack of minority representation in the insurance industry is a recognized problem, and efforts to address it are being considered by a National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Special Executive Committee on Race and Insurance.1 As the administrator of the PIP No-Fault Arbitration Program under the New Jersey Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act, Forthright understands that we have a fundamental responsibility to do our part to alleviate this lack of representation. By consistently pursuing increased diversity among panelists and employees, Forthright confronts this issue and strives to set an example within the insurance and dispute resolution industries.